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Alfonso Villapol –
Prudence Rodden –
The product arrived in 14 days to Peru, arrived complete, exactly match the description, charged very well, I am super happy
Maariya Kramer –
A bit complicated for the inside of the pallows but for other surfaces it’s good.
Ted Basye –
Just like picture, testen it and works wek
Branda Goshorn –
The product is Vvidko. I will describe it.
Verline Cordon –
Perfect arrived pretty fast
Joseph Garreau –
The look is crude
The motor used in the eldest son’s motor car, so the rotation force is weak.
Charging Terminal 5 pin;;;;
Efan Wharton –
Product according to what is offered. Well packed and very fast delivery. I recommend the seller
Mahi Reid –
The accessories are not so high quality, only one operating speed, not so fast, nice product
Chae Jiang –
5 ***** Sellers! Great goods and fast shipping! THANK YOU
Lelah Pelosi –
Not more than Shvidki oboroti, ale is all the most light and cut MITI I nizh with a hand