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Multifunctional Electric Scrubber Brush for Kitchen and Bathroom – Cordless Handheld Scrubber for Dishes, Pots and Pans

(11 customer reviews)

21,99 $

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التنظيف المنزلي






CN (المنشأ)

11 reviews for Multifunctional Electric Scrubber Brush for Kitchen and Bathroom – Cordless Handheld Scrubber for Dishes, Pots and Pans

  1. Alfonso Villapol

  2. Prudence Rodden

    The product arrived in 14 days to Peru, arrived complete, exactly match the description, charged very well, I am super happy

  3. Maariya Kramer

    A bit complicated for the inside of the pallows but for other surfaces it’s good.

  4. Ted Basye

    Just like picture, testen it and works wek

  5. Branda Goshorn

    The product is Vvidko. I will describe it.

  6. Verline Cordon

    Perfect arrived pretty fast

  7. Joseph Garreau

    The look is crude
    The motor used in the eldest son’s motor car, so the rotation force is weak.
    Charging Terminal 5 pin;;;;

  8. Efan Wharton

    Product according to what is offered. Well packed and very fast delivery. I recommend the seller

  9. Mahi Reid

    The accessories are not so high quality, only one operating speed, not so fast, nice product

  10. Chae Jiang

    5 ***** Sellers! Great goods and fast shipping! THANK YOU

  11. Lelah Pelosi

    Not more than Shvidki oboroti, ale is all the most light and cut MITI I nizh with a hand

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